Solutions for the electronic signature and certification of documents, based on the most advanced legislation, such as Regulation 910/2014 of the European Union and eSign and UETA Act of the United States.

From distance
Our electronic signature solution works from any device that makes it easy for the client to sign the document, at the time and place that suits them best.

In person
The client who wishes can also sign their document digitally from the same office, using a company mobile or tablet.

Technological solutions

Email and
certified SMS

The main value of this service is to provide electronic evidence capable of demonstrating acceptance, delivery or non-delivery, opening, etc. of emails and/or attached documentation.

Electronic signature
simple and advanced

The advanced electronic signature solution offers the maximum legal guarantees for the formalisation of contracts, from any device and platform.

Certification and
documentary validation

It allows the reading and identification of identity documents and passports in the same digital enrolment process. The system is based on OCR technology and the MRZ code.

Why our solution?


Solution aimed at ensuring the efficiency of our clients' processes, providing an intuitive and easy-to-use service. Maximum compatibility with all systems and devices on the market, with the most mobile solution.

International coverage

Complying with the most demanding regulations of the European Union, Regulation 910/2014, and the United States, UETA/E-SIGN Acts. The privacy and security of our customers' data are our priority.


The best team of specialists to guarantee the success of any company's digital transformation. Flexibility to find the solution that best suits the needs of our clients.